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Llega el Castor Biónico con soporte LTS: Ubuntu 18.04 se llamará Bionic Beaver.

Se amplia la familia Ubuntu con la llegada de un nuevo integrante esperado con ansia, con la expectativa propia de todas las distribuciones que tienen soporte a largo término.

Mark Shuttleworth, acaba de revelar el nombre clave de Ubuntu 18.04.

Se llamará Bionic Beaver18.04  y tendrá soporte garantizado por 5 años.

Se lanzará a fines del mes de abril de 2018.

Al menos en esta nueva edición el nombre será mucho más fácil de pronunciar que su antecesor: Artful Aadvark, un verdadero trabalenguas.
El mensaje de Mark Shuttleworth:

Congratulations to Team *Buntu on the release of our Artful Aardvark 17.10, featuring all your favourite desktop environments, kubernetes 1.8, the latest OpenStack, and security updates for 9 months, which takes us all the way to our next enterprise release, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
A brumous development cycle always makes for cool-headed work and brisk progress on the back of breem debate.
As always, 18.04 LTS will represent the sum of all our interests.
For those of you with bimodal inclinations, there’s the official upstream Kubernetes-on-Ubuntu spell for ‘conjure-up kubernetes’ with bijou multi-cloud goodness. We also have spells for OpenStack on Ubuntu and Hadoop on Ubuntu, so conjure-up is your one-stop magic shop for at-scale boffo big data, cloud and containers. Working with upstreams to enable fast deployment and operations of their stuff on all the clouds is a beamish way to spend the day.
If your thing is bling, pick a desktop! We’ve defaulted to GNOME, but we’re the space where KDE and GNOME and MATE and many others come together to give users real and easy choice of desktops. And if you’re feeling boned by the lack of Unity in open source, you might want to hop onto the channel and join those who are updating Unity7 for the newest X and kernel graphics in 18.04.
And of course, if your thing is actually a thing with internet smarts, then it’s Ubuntu Core that will get you flying (or driving or gatewaying or routing or, well, anything your thing desires) in a snap.
It takes a booky brilliance to shine, and we celebrate brilliance in all its forms in our community. Thanks to the artists and the advocates, the brains and the documenters, the councils and yes, the crazies who find entirely new ways to contribute, Ubuntu grows and reflects the depth and breadth of free software. For many upstream projects, Ubuntu represents the way most users will enjoy their contribution to society. That’s a big responsibility, and one we take seriously. Leave the bolshy, blithe and branky BS aside, and let’s appeal to all that’s brave and bonzer as we shape the platform on which others will build.
It’s builders that we celebrate – the people that build our upstream applications and packages, the people who build Ubuntu, and the people who build on Ubuntu. In honour of that tireless toil, our mascot this cycle is a mammal known for it’s energetic attitude, industrious nature and engineering prowess. We give it a neatly nerdy 21st century twist in honour of the relentless robots running Ubuntu Core. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you 18.04 LTS, the Bionic Beaver.

El habitat del castor.
Hagamos un repaso de las versiones ubuntianas hasta el presente:
Leer también: Disponible para la descarga Ubuntu 17.10 Artful Aadvark con todas sus derivadas oficiales.
Warty Warthog - Jabalí Verrugoso -  (4.10)
Hoary Hedgehog - Puerco-espín Anciano -  (5.04)
Breezy Badger - Tejón Despreocupado -  (5.10)
Dapper Drake - Pato Culto -  (6.04)
Edgy Eft - Tritón Crispado - (6.10)
Feisty Fawn - Cervatillo Animado - (7.04)
Gutsy Gibbon - Gibón Valiente - (7.10)
Hardy Heron -  Garza Robusta - (8.04)
Intrepid Ibex - Cabra Intrépida - (8.10)
Jaunty Jackalope - Jackalope Desenfadado - (9.04)
Karmic Koala - Koala Kármico - (9.10)
Lucid Lynx - Lince Lucido - (10.04)
Maverick Meerkat - Suricato Inconformista - (10.10)
Natty Narwhal - Narval Elegante -(11.04)
Oneiric Ocelot- Ocelote Onírico - (11.10)
Precise Pangolin - Pangolín Preciso - (12.04)
Quantal Quetzal - Quetzal Cuántico - (12.10)
Raring Ringtail (13.04)
Saucy Salamander - Salamandra Descarada - (13.10)
Trusty Tahr - Tauro Fiel - (14.04)
Utopic Unicorn - Unicornio Utópico - (14.10)
Vivid Vervet - Mono Araña Vívido - (15.04)
Wily Werefolf - Hombre Lobo Astuto - (15.10)
Xenial Xerus. - Ardilla Amigable - (16.04)
Yakkety Yak  - Toro Salvaje Hablador - (16.10)
Zesty Zapus - Ratoncito Vigoroso - (17.04)
Artful Aadvark - Cerdo Hormiguero Habilidoso - (17.10)
Bionic Beaver - Castor Biónico - (18.04)
No te gustan los adjetivos elegidos? Quieres modificar o agregar alguno?
Algunos son verdaderamente deplorables por la limitación de los adjetivos elegidos por Ubuntu y por el hecho que tienen que comenzar con la misma letra.
Probemos a aportar un poco de originalidad.
Llega el Castor Biónico con soporte LTS: Ubuntu 18.04 se llamará Bionic Beaver.Twitta
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2 comentarios:

  1. Hay que reconocerle a Mark Shuttleworth una gran fantasia para los nombres de Ubuntu.

    1. La fantasía, a veces un poco surrealista, está en el adjetivo o la característica a asignar al animal.


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